A woman sitting on a couch creating her power list on a laptop

The Power List

Yesterday was a pretty easy day. I was able to get all of my power list items done by 4:30. The power list is something I do every day. I make a list of tasks that I need to complete…

Debt Free Author Goals

I decided I won’t be making any big life moves until I am a one hundred percent debt free author. That’s the priority. I have to be able to do it on my own. I need to become financially stable….

The Independent Author & Investment Of Time

I’d argue that becoming an independent author isn’t much of a choice. It’s something we’re compelled to do for one reason or another. But how an independent author chooses to spend his or her time, well, that’s something that absolutely…

A laptop and a coffee mug on a wooden table

Should I Do NaNoWriMo?

November is coming up. It’s National Novel Writing Month a.k.a. #nanowrimo. I’ve been considering whether to do nanowrimo this year. I tried it a couple of years ago. In fact, it’s what initially got Naughty Week going as a book…

Considering A Follow Up Book

They say everyone has a book in them. At least one book. It’s the second book, the follow up book, that doesn’t come so easy. I spent the last eight or nine years with the story that eventually became Naughty…

Building An Author Email List

I’ve been building my author email list—slowly but surely. According to the indie publishing experts, the author email list is an indie author’s greatest asset. And for good reason. The way folks like Joanna Penn and Mark Dawson explain it,…

Get To Work (Creative Motivation)

I need to regain focus on my priorities. Creative motivation needs to come from somewhere. Do I want to be a writer? Do I want to earn 100% of my income from writing? Yes. My answer is yes. Then why…

Lazy Writer Syndrome, Not Writer’s Block

I wish I could write. Writing is not hard. I don’t have writer’s block. That doesn’t exist. That’s not a real thing. I have lazy writer syndrome. That’s a real thing. I need to take massive action is what I…

Add More Amazon Categories For Your Book

One of the worst kept secrets in the indie publishing world is that you can list your book for more amazon categories than two. When you publish a book on KDP, Amazon allows you to list two categories, and the…