Do What’s Important Today

I got a lot done yesterday. A lot. I wrote a good chunk of the Lucky Day outline, and I signed up for NaNoWriMo. That’s going to be a huge challenge. It’s an average 1666 words per day. When I was writing Naughty Week, I was doing 500-750 per day. At best, I’d hit 1000 words. The main thing this time around is making sure I have more than 45 minutes to write every day. With the outline, like I had with Naughty Week—meaning the feature screenplay—the story won’t get in the way. I should be able to do it. I will pause the morning pages, as I’m pretty sure I mentioned in an earlier entry. The thing is, and I’ve noticed this lately, is that the morning pages do help me focus on what’s important. I’ll listen to the audiobooks and podcasts and think I’m not doing enough. The morning pages remind me that I don’t have to do everything. I just have to do what’s important today.

Today I need to continue working on the outline. If I had the entire day to work, I could probably finish it. Or at least get all of the beats in. I’ve got the girls today, so I’ll be able to do some work, but I won’t be able to focus 100%. If I can outline 4-6 chapters, then I’ll be good. Or maybe I’ll just enter little one line beats and flesh it out between tomorrow and Thursday.

I also need to email the people from my high school newsletter and let them know about my book. I’m hoping to get it in the newsletter prior to Christmas. I might even mention in my note that if they’re going to include it in the email newsletter, then I’d appreciate if they could include in one of the newsletters closer to Thanksgiving. But does it really matter? Maybe it’s better to have it in an earlier email newsletter and then again in the quarterly mailed newsletter a few more weeks down the road. 

George tweets. I need to load up some George tweets. I got some engagement the other day from a deep dish pizza place in Chicago. It doesn’t appear that anyone that has read the book has discovered this silly little Easter egg. Or maybe not that many have read or finished the book.

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