The Indie Book Launch Hangover

As an independent author, launching a book is an exciting time. But it can also be overwhelming—and expect the indie book launch hangover. I imagine the intoxicating experience of watching one’s book rankings rise throughout the day is the same for any first time novelist.

I had a good night’s sleep last night. Somehow I made it through the day. I was in a total fog from yesterday’s book launch. I made it to my exercise class. I did my best to go as hard as I could, but I needed to pull off some weight and take little breaks. My body wasn’t 100%. And I was still distracted by the indie book launch.

I got home and had a good conversation with my parents. They’re very proud and so supportive. Mom ordered 10 copies of the book. I was still on a high, though still very, very tired. I took a shower and tried to take a nap before the Operation Bombshell table read at Irina’s. No go. 

I drove up to Toluca Lake and drank an iced coffee. When I got to Irina’s I had another coffee. The table read went well. There seems to be some work that needs to be done. Everyone was helpful and gave good notes. I had to read the scene description. I was still in a fog. We had some pizza and discussed the script. Irina and Ksenia said they have a meeting with a consulting producer to discuss the budget. They said they want to try to get Aziz Ansari to direct and play the Harry character, and they said they had a meeting with Britney Spears’ manager and think they can get her. I am so impressed with them.

I drove home and checked my numbers. I’m such a first-time author. I know I shouldn’t be doing it, but I suspected my book rankings would go down and wanted to confirm. They were going down. It makes sense. There was a big indie book launch push on Friday, a lot of friends and family bought copies because of my Facebook post, and then I was hit by the next day drop-off. It’s to be expected. I am conscious of my goals and am tempering my expectations. I can’t expect it to be a break-out hit. But so long as everything goes as smoothly as possible with the printing and everything, then I think the book will speak for itself and word will spread.

I tried for another nap. No go. I got up and drove to pick up the girls. B was scheduled for a sleepover birthday party at a friend’s, but when we got there she didn’t know anyone and was having a hard time. So we bailed. We all came home and ordered pizza. I filled them in about the book. They’re excited for me.

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