The NaNoWriMo confirmation screen

Firing Up The Ole NaNoWriMo 2021 Wagon!

Firing up the ole NaNoWriMo wagon again! 50,000 words is a long way to go, but I did it two years ago and wrote the first draft of Lucky Day in 24 days. I spent the final 6 days of NaNoWriMo 2019 working on a completely different project, and in the last year or so I’ve managed to complete the first two-thirds of the book.

So I’ve got a nice head start this year, and I’ve decided to use NaNoWriMo to finish the darn thing. It’s not my goal it hit the 50k word count. My goal is to finish the book, and if I hit the 1667-words-per-day target, then I should make my goal by mid-month. And then I’ll use the rest of the month to review and edit and plan next steps and then I’ll be off and running from there.

This won’t be something I’ll publish independently, so publisher outreach is part of the plan. I have no idea if anyone will be interested in my story, I have no idea if this thing will ever see the light of day, but at least it’ll be finished!

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