A motivated writer working in a notebook with a cup of coffee

6 Writing Motivation Tips

It can be super difficult to stay motivated to write every day. Many writers have their own ways to stay motivated to write. So here are some of the things that keep me motivated to write.

1. Carve Out One Hour Every Day to Write

This can definitely help with mindset. If you know you’re going to write for one hour every day out of those twenty-four precious hours, then you know that one hour is yours to spend time writing. And you can anticipate it each day and eliminate distractions. I highly recommend this, especially for anyone working towards completing his or her NaNoWriMo word count goals.

2. Write at the Same Time Every Day

Whether you’re writing in the early hours of the morning or late at night, make sure that your body knows that every day at that time is when you are going to sit down to write. It sort of creates a muscle memory or something like a circadian rhythm for writing and also helps with mindset.

3. Treat Yourself 

Before you begin writing, treat yourself to a cup of coffee or a snack. I finish my work schedule around 3:00-3:00 PM (I start early in the day), and I know that the next thing that’s coming is my afternoon coffee to help me transition into an hour of writing.

4. Start Writing

This is probably the hardest thing when it comes to writing, but if you don’t start, then you won’t write. I know it’s obvious and a little silly to say out loud, but it can be the greatest hurdle to overcome. Once you start writing and once you get going, then you can work toward that flow state and go for as long as you can. In terms of writer motivation, this is the hardest part. You need to start writing so you can keep writing. Get started and see what happens.

5. Stop in the Middle

When it’s time to stop writing, don’t stop at the end of the chapter or the end of a scene. Stop somewhere in the middle. This helps with writing motivation tip #4 because it will greatly improve your chances of starting the next day. If you’re working through a scene or if you’re working through a chapter and you’re halfway there and know you’ll be wrapping up your writing session soon, just stop and pick it up tomorrow.

6. Reward Yourself

If there’s something that you like doing or are looking forward to doing that day, let it be your reward after an hour’s worth of writing. Even if it’s small and seemingly inconsequential like scrolling through videos on TikTok or promoting a finished project on Facebook, get your work done first and then reward yourself.

And those are my six writer motivation tips to keep writing. Got any tips of your own? I’d love to hear from you! Contact me or reach out on TikTok.

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