Debt Free Author Goals

I decided I won’t be making any big life moves until I am a one hundred percent debt free author. That’s the priority. I have to be able to do it on my own. I need to become financially stable. That means getting rid of the debt. Credit card debt, federal taxes, state taxes, WGA dues.

All of it.

I’m okay owing student debt for the next ten years or so of my life. I can put more into that when I am otherwise debt-free anyway. Being a debt free author means collecting more than I’m spending in regards to this creative endeavor.

I listened to a podcast in which one of the hosts from the Choose FI podcast was interviewed. And then I immediately started listening to episodes of “Choose FI.” It was refreshing to hear people discussing money and finances so candidly.

Apparently the “FI” movement has been going on for some time. I had no idea. Probably because I was fine being stuck in my self-made muddy pigsty of debt.

“FI’ stands for financial independence a.k.a. financial freedom. It’s a new goal of mine now. I want to be free. Freedom is the ultimate goal. And I won’t be totally free until I am debt-free. I don’t just want to be a debt free author. I want to be a financially independent author.

In other news, I had the weird experience of sales disappearing from my dashboard yesterday. My new paperback campaign went from having seven sales to having five sales. I saw this happen before. My one and only sale from the Kindle campaign disappeared after a few days. I am guessing it is because of canceled orders and should expect it to happen again.

The other thing I should expect to happen is returns. I am still doing my best to limit how often I check my numbers. I am down to two to three times per day.

The best thing I can do is write more.

Lucky Day is starting to take shape. I wrote a draft of the prologue. It’s all about the two types of luck in the world and that some people are born with good luck and some are born with bad luck. I think one of the themes that will end up being explored is the idea of fate versus making one’s own way. Are people lucky? Are things predetermined? Or are we a product of our choices and decisions?

I have considered officially signing up for NaNoWriMo. I am going to post something on Facebook about it and see if others have gone through the process. There are tons of resources. It’d be good to get some feedback from people I know. I think it might encourage engagement. We shall see.

It’s going to be a busy weekend. I only have one client meeting today and should be done by 3:00 or 4:00. B is having her birthday party tomorrow. Bounce house, cake, sugar, etc…

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